The following language is copied substantially from a United States’ patent for which the Application was written by an attorney. The sole purpose for publishing it is to show the style of writing, which I hope encourages you to hire a patent attorney and discourages you from attempting to write an application yourself.

Needless to say that if you are not a patent attorney and therefore do not know the language specifications for a patent, your application would virtually be a guaranteed rejected. The worse case scenario is that what you would submit may be so far out of bounds that an attorney could not prevent you from having to forfeit your idea. You DO NOT want to go down that road.

An example of the language in a patent is cited below. It’s my automobile floor mat. Note that the language is substantially different than one would typically use.

stop-signI am not a patent attorney. I DO NOT give legal advice. However, I do give good advice, i. e., HIRE A PATENT ATTORNEY to prosecute an application for a patent. DO NOT use the example as guidelines to write a patent application. If you do, YOU ASSUME THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY of what would be comparable to playing Russian roulette with your financial future. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: HIRE A PATENT ATTORNEY.

Patent No. 4,991,900



(Print the image to follow the numbered details in the description more easily.)

. . . A preferred embodiment of the floor covering 10 of the present invention is there shown and comprises a floor mat 12 having a plurality of steps 14. The steps 14 are laterally elongated with respect to the axis of an automotive vehicle. In addition, the mat 12 is positioned so that a front end 16 of the floor mat 12 is positioned adjacent to and underneath a control pedal 18 of the automotive vehicle.

. . . Each step 14 has a preset width 20 extending in a direction longitudinal with respect to the axis of the car. Similarly the steps 14 decrease in height by a preset depth from the forwardmost step 22 to the rearwardmost step 24. Consequently the steps 14 decrease in height rearwardly from the control pedals 18 of the vehicle.

As best shown, preferably the steps 14 slope rearwardly at a small acute angle 25. This rearward slope 25 thus drains any moisture which collects on the top of the steps 14 rearwardly towards the bottommost step 24 of the mat 12. Additionally, the forwardmost edge 26 of the mat 12 slopes downwardly as best shown. Consequently, any moisture which flows downwardly from under the control pedals 18 towards the front edge 26 of the mat 12 is drained toward the sides 28 of the mat 12 and thus away from the feet of the vehicle operator.

As best shown, the preset height difference between the steps 14, as well as the width 20 of the steps 14 are dimensioned so that, with the heel 30 of an operator’s shoe 32 positioned on one step 14, the back 34 of the operator’s shoe is positioned upwardly from the rearwardly adjacent step 14. This thus protects the back 34 of the operator’s shoe 32 from scuffing.

Although in the preferred embodiment, the mat 12 is removable from the vehicle, the mat 12 may instead form an integral part of the floor covering for the vehicle. Similarly, the floor mat 12 is preferably constructed of a synthetic plastic material.

Having described my invention, however, many modifications thereto will become apparent to those skilled in the art to which it pertains without deviation from the spirit of the invention as defined by the scope of the appended claims.

The Claims

The following text is from the “Claims” in the patent for the automobile floor mat. Note the language and associate it to the images above and below:

I claim

1. A floor covering for use with an automotive vehicle having a floor and a control pedal positioned at the front of said floor, said floor covering comprising:

– a substantially flat bottom adapted to flatly abut against the floor of the vehicle adjacent to the control pedal,

– a front end, said front end positioned adjacent to and underneath the control pedal;

– a forwardmost edge at said front end, said edge sloping downward toward said vehicle floor;

– at least three steps of s preset longitudinal width, said steps laterally elongated with respect to the longitudinal axis of said automotive vehicle, said steps further extending from a forwardmost step at said front end to a rearwardmost step, said steps decreasing by a preset amount in height rearwardly from said control pedal;

– wherein a heel of a vehicle operator’s shoe is adapted to be positioned on one of said steps, and

– wherein said preset amount is dimensioned so that, with the operator’s heel positioned on one step and in engagement with the control pedal, a back of the vehicle operator’s shoe is spaced upwardly from an adjacent rearward step so as to prevent scuffing of said shoe while operating said control pedals.

2. The invention as defined in claim 1, wherein each step slopes rearwardly downwardly.

3. The invention as defined in claim 1, wherein said covering is constructed of a synthetic material

I think that you would agree that it would require an attorney’s knowledge of the language specifications to write the Claims, which the basis of the patent being issued. Otherwise, you could forfeit a potentially profitable invention because of (not to be crude) ignorance of the United States Patent Office’s language specifications.

The following image shows more clearly how the mat would protect the back of a driver’s shoe. (American manufacturers would not discuss production. It was not feasible for Taiwan because the thickness limited the number of mats loaded in a container to less than 50% of the number of flat mats that could be loaded. Thus, the costs for shipping and the retail prices would have been too high.)


What Inventors Are Encouraged to Do

Rather than endeavoring to short-cut the patent process, do some creative financing as suggested in Funding An Invention. As my mother would occasionally say to me when she detected my impatience, “your longest way around could be the shortest way home.”