“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

wall_street_cashThis article details the modus-operandi for the advertising company I would start to operate the invention alluded to in the About Me tab. Given that the consensus amongst professionals is that the invention’s simplicity precludes Google, Microsoft, and etc. from reengineering it to achieve the same result the company would be a strong one.

My objective, therefore, is to make my company a model to demonstrate to corporate America’s stockholders the humanitarian practices that could increase the potential for higher returns on their investments. If the stockholders would then vote for the corporations in which they own stock to implement such practices, it could be the catalyst to ignite what history could one day record as Renaissance in Corporate America. Thus, the following could become realities:

  • higher profits and dividends for corporate America and stockholders respectively
  • create new jobs with job-security
  • strong economy with inherent sustainability
  • insure tuition for students to excel academically and become world renown innovators and/or entrepreneurs

FACT: The United States is a democracy. Thus, neither its President nor the political party controlling Washington, D.C. could impose anything on corporate America to force it to implement strategies to bolster our economy so that it would have inherent sustainability.

FACT: We the people can achieve what the government cannot. We can convince corporate America’s stockholders of what Albert Einstein said: We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Employing a different kind of thinking is the basis of this article. Each of us has the potential for an idea that could give birth to a new corporation. When it happens, we must insure our employees of being paid good wages and ultimately above the normal. They must also be assured of not being subjected to nepotism and cronyism when they excel others in making contributions that perpetuate their company’s success.  Employees must also know that they would be highly rewarded if they submit ideas that would increase profitability for their employers. To go a step further, employees must know that they could be supported for having ideas that have nothing to do with their employers but have high profit potential in commerce (as will be explained later).

Given that the longest journey begins with one step the following defines my first step toward Renaissance In Corporate America: how my new company would be a model. Having been a part of corporate America I have a good insight as to what it could do to revitalize our economy with inherent viability.

Job Security

Employees would be assured that they are appreciated by their salaries and benefits. As the company grows, the objective would be to ultimately 25% of its profits in a program that would encourage people to be innovators. The company’s CPA’s and attorneys would oversee operations to ensure that its viability is not threatened.

Employees would not be fearful of having to forfeit intellectual properties to the company. If an idea is related to improving the company’s technology and is used, the employee would be paid annual bonuses throughout his/her tenure. The employee could possibly be placed in a position to see the progression of her/his innovation.

If an invention is unrelated to the dot-com company, an employee would be required to offer it the first right of refusal. If the company accepts and underwrites the project, the employee would be provided the funds to secure an attorney of her/his choosing to advise her/him on working with the company. A similar offer would be extended to innovators not employed by the company.

If the invention is determined to have market potential, the company could negotiate for 33% ownership. If the innovator accepts, the company would contribute to underwriting the patent, manufacturing, and marketing. Given an inventor’s qualifications or willingness to qualify the company may propose setting up a new enterprise and grooming her/him over a three-year to five-year period to be its CEO.

Given that the world is generally computerized it is conceivable that the dot-com company could underwrite and monitor the process of bringing more than 100 inventions to profitability. If the additional income from each invention averaged $1-million annually, the dot-com company would have an additional $100-million annual profit. As much as 50% of the profits from such enterprises would be invested in the program, raises for employees, and invested in the dot-com company. As much as 25% of the profits from such enterprises would be allocated to perpetuating the program and bonuses for employees.

The remaining 25% would be deposited in a contingency fund and reserved for the employees should a decline in the company’s main line of business occurs. The company would contribute to the fund until it equals the sum of the personnel’s straight time wages for three years. (The amount the program yields that exceeds the contingency fund would be profits for the company and would satisfy stockholders if it were a public company.)

Should a reduction in personnel become necessary, terminated employees would receive amounts equivalent to what their weekly straight time wages were. This would continue for up to three years unless they find new employment sooner or while they are enrolled in school for that time to qualify for other vocations. This would ease the transition from one profession to another without menacing the quality of life for individuals (and their families) that gave their best to the company.

The plan would provide for job security to never become a stress factor, which could produce anxieties that may compromise one’s health and efficiency. Individuals knowing that their employer is truly concerned about their well-being would be totally committed to maximizing the company’s potential for success, which could propel it to the top in its field. This practice could preclude an employer from experiencing brain-drain and the subsequent effects.

Care for Dependent Children and Seniors

Along with the employee’s health care benefits, company policy should address two subject matters that much of the work force finds to be ever increasing concerns. They are providing care for children and dependent senior parents during working hours.

A special work schedule with childcare will be available for working mothers and custodial fathers, based on their recommendations. Ideally, during working hours, the parent will have planned quality time daily with the child(ren) to maintain good bonding and for additional assurance of a little one’s well-being.

A facility adjacent to or within the work place will be provided and supplied with toys that will guide a child’s mind to various vocations while having fun playing. One variety of toys will require one or more playmates to learn the necessity of good teamwork. Another assortment of toys will allow a youngster to be independent. This is to build self-confidence and encourage achievement on personal skills.

Professionals will be hired to assist in making the determinations of what toys are essential, at what age a child’s interest for a vocation can be discerned, and how to encourage the pursuit of education. No children will be so inundated by vocational encouragement that they would be deprived of the frolics of a happy childhood.

An adjacent care facility for senior dependents will be provided. Specifics will be determined by specialists and legal counsel.

Incentives for Students

The program would extend to public schools, trade schools, and universities to motivate students to excel and become world renowned innovators and entrepreneurs. They would be encouraged to submit ideas for inventions and paid royalties on those that enter commerce. The conditions would be that students MUST remain in school and maintain a minimum 2.5 grade-averages, good attendance, appropriate conduct, no substance abuse, and graduate.

The royalties students receive from their intellectual properties would start at 10% and be based on the grade-point averages: 2.5 = 10%, 3.0 = 11%, 3.5 = 12% and 4.0 = 13%. To further motivate students to achieve their highest potential, 3% would be added for seven years or until the student receives a diploma, whichever occurs first.

The stipulation would be that student’s royalty funds be held in a “Trust”. Given that no student needs a luxury car to ride to school her/his tuition and resident would be paid and he/she would receive suitable allowances monthly until the time of graduation. After receiving the diploma, the graduate could now assume control of the business created by the invention. However, the business would be under the umbrella of the dot-com company until it receives a minimum of $1-million annually from its 33% ownership.

The language of the stipulation would specify that if the student does not maintain a minimum 2.5 grade-averages, good attendance, appropriate conduct, no substance abuse, or graduate, he/she will lose the Trust and the company would have full ownership of the invention. He/She would be paid only a 10% royalty retroactive to the date the invention became profitable. The payments would end when the patent becomes public domain.

These terms would not be negotiable to motivate students to be achievers. The only acceptable reason for not graduating would be because of death or health/physical challenges substantiated by doctor/hospital medical records. A comparable program would be offered to individuals that are not employed by the dot-company or students.

If an inventor is a retiree, he/she would be paid a negotiated dividend annually. In addition to that and if so desired, the retiree would be provided an office so that he/she could participate in the work process of the invention on a flexible work schedule. This would keep the retiree’s mind sharp, which would contribute to extending her/his productive years. More importantly, retirees could pass-on words of wisdom about life in general to younger people . . . if they would listen.

Attorneys would write the documents for individuals to sign before participating in such programs. The documents would address the transference of the individuals’ assets to next-of-kin should the individuals die.

Strategically Empowering Local Communities

Given that churches typically have longevity in communities and that some pastors are true humanitarians some churches strategically located could become resource centers for their communities. (Most assuredly there would be absolutely NO REQUIREMENTS for any beneficiary to be affiliated with a particular church.) Funds would be donated to implement the following key items to empower local communities socioculturally, intellectually, and economically:

  1. tutoring for neighborhood students
  2. mentoring program for pre-teens and adolescents
  3. free day care for children of single parents (The environment would be structured to prepare the children to be the next generation of productive adult citizens.)
  4. indoor/outdoor recreational facilities for pre-teens and adolescents (Refreshments and light lunches would be served daily with weekly motivational presentations.)
  5. educational field trips with neighborhood parents as chaperons (to expose children to professions in action in order to stimulate their thinking about what vocations to pursue)
  6. weekly or bi-monthly seminars (career planning for students, family business development, patents and trademarks, managing finances, estate planning, and etc.)

host “town meetings” (with refreshments and wholesome snacks) for the communities to know their elected officials and to voice neighborhood concerns

Decreasing the Indigent Population

Indigent people come from every economic level of our society. Several are extraordinarily talented and have genius IQ’s. Some were professionals and corporate executives. Whatever their histories, something broke their spirits and they lost hope.

Such person may hold the key to the next medical or technological breakthrough. One may be the next great inventor. Right now they must be assured that their past does not have to control the present neither dictate the future.

One idea would be for the company to establish a non-profit entity that would purchase vacant houses in need of repair. At least seven men would reside in each property. They would have their individual spaces for privacy. The rules of conduct would be stricter than a military boot camp.

The requirement would be for each one to participate in a program for which licensed carpenters, electricians, and plumbers would be employed to teach them to make repairs to prepare the properties for market. The revenue from each sale would pay only an allowance to each man and the greater portion would go into trusts.

The program would require the group to move to other properties and repeat the process. The revenue from the sale of the 7th house would pay minimum wages. After an additional three houses have been sold, the men could be paid wages sufficient for each one to purchase a house. They would be required to continue with the program in order to pay for their purchases or face foreclosures and evictions. Alternately, one may be motivated to resume practicing his profession and would have financial support to do it.

The process would have taught the men skilled trades and teamwork skills. They would be encouraged to form their own corporation and continue their new roads to prosperity.

Women would be offered programs that provide FREE room and board if they attend classes for developing skills to qualify for employment or becoming entrepreneurs. Details would be worked out by the aid of social workers and services they recommend.

The “Big Picture”

The dot-com company’s ideology could prove to corporate America that discontinuing the practices of sacrificing PEOPLE for PROFIT could increase profitability. Corporate America would see the result of dispelling the perceptions of greed whereby employees perceive themselves as being nothing more than mere numbers. Corporations could become convinced that their success and economic viability are in the souls of their employees and also people not in their employments.

The accomplishments of individuals who become successful and the intellectual contribution they make to their employers and humanity would be unprecedented. It could convince corporations that imitating the practice could mean substantial additional revenues. Thus, corporate America’s mind-set could change. The change could spread globally.

The prosperity of a company operating in this fashion would be comparable to the powerful current of a mighty river into which numerous tributaries flow. Namely, its diversified income could sustain it should its main line of business declines. As Albert Einstein said, “. . . It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”


The success that the ideology brings the dot-com company could persuade stockholders in corporate America to vote for their respective companies to imitate the advertising company: thus, encouraging the renaissance. It could cause a domino effect in which proprietors of private companies could even be persuaded to also imitate the advertising company on smaller scales. Thus, the affect it could have on corporate America could parallel the novel/movie, “The Power of One”. It could happen in five years or less.

Corporate America cannot afford to continue business as usual. As Einstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” For the United States to regain economic stability, it must take heed to the words of the late Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.”

Whereas the reputation of the United States as a superpower has been attributed mostly to its military strength, its intellectual contributions to the world and the prosperity of its citizens would become factors. The renaissance could effect multiple long-term benefits for American citizens:

  1. increase in employment
  2. job security & annual bonuses/raises
  3. decline in the student dropout rate
  4. students excelling in education
  5. funds for college grads to payoff student loans
  6. capital for college grads to become entrepreneurs
  7. decrease in citizen’s dependency on government aid
  8. decrease of the indigent population
  9. additional profit for corporations
  10. adverting the predicted social security crisis

Renaissance in Corporate America would exemplify the words of the late President John F. Kennedy: “With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.” Each of us has the potential to effect a change in Corporate America’s mind-set as described herein.).

I’ve had experiences that I’m convinced were nothing less than miraculous. I share two of them on the tab, Miraculous Experiences.

I believe they occurred because the Almighty God is honoring my objective to effect Renaissance in Corporate America. They convince me that I will acquire the finances to underwrite the start-up without relying on investors that may be driven by greed and could consequently impede me effecting Renaissance in Corporate America.


  1. Earn the money in 12 months to have the beta-version developed. (Designers estimate 3 months for completion because of its simplicity.)
  2. Start and operate the company for 1 year.
  3. Begin implementing the strategies outlined herein on a small scale after the first year.

Each of us has the potential to make contributions to the betterment of our country: the United States of America. See About You (Why You Are Worth $1,172,820) for evidence and proof that your ingenuity could be your leverage for personal economic viability, starting your own company, and making your contribution to Renaissance In Corporate America.